Om has written and published articles on the subject areas below which are available for free on his website:
Building on my lived refugee experience and the mentoring and coaching received as part of the Westpac Social Change Fellowship program, this report begins by articulating the need for change in the way we currently approach service delivery and more broadly community development and captures the learnings from refugee settlements in a number of countries.
In Australia, where the financial benefits allowed for a longer resettlement period that facilitated English language skills acquisition and training for redeveloping of work skills before seeking employment, better long-term outcomes were possible and fewer social and emotional issues arose.
Empowering Communities project explores ways to mobilize the resources that are already present within the community and then working with external partners to complement and fill any gaps, thereby emphasising the importance of interdependence.
Thanks to Digital Himalaya for scanning and preserving the back issues of The Bhutan Review which was published by the Human Rights Organization of Bhutan in Kathmandu for almost 4 years from January 1993 to October 1996. Mr Bhim Subba, former Director General of the Department of Power, Royal Government of Bhutan was the editor and main driving force behind this publication. Mr Om Dhungel, former head of Planning and Development Division in the Department of Telecommunications, Royal Government of Bhutan worked closely with Mr Subba as the co-editor and kept it going despite various challenges. Mr D.P.Basnet and Mr. Mandhoj Tamang, both senior members of HUROB provided marketing and other support for its publication.
© 2024 Om Dhungel